
The Importance of Assigning an LG Training Leader

The 3 Pillars of Training

  1. The student utilizing LearnGlazing.com
  2. The company being involved in the training
    • Use individual topics as opporunity to have focused discussions with employee
    • Keep from providing too board of training
  3. The student seeking further resources both inside and outside of the company
    • Take advantage of the resources available to the student

Program Outline – The Process

  1. Assign a training leader to student(s)
  2. Students should plan for 3-4 courses per month
  3. Students and leaders should schedule a time for a discussion after each module
    • Bring in other professionals, both inside and outside of the company that can aid in discussion / learning.
      I.E. – fabricators, installers, manufacturer’s reps, etc.
  4. Leaders will watch student progress of quizzes, speed of taking the courses, etc.
  5. Leaders should encourage students to do research outside of the program, prior to discussions

What is the Leader’s Role in the Training?

  1. They will play an integral part in the training process
  2. They will bridge the gap between training and company specific means and methods
  3. They will be a sounding board for the student to give feedback and direction to the employee
  4. They will monitor the progress of the student, identify areas of concern, and help work through topics the student may find difficult

Utilize Your Training Program Syllabus

The syllabus for each course will contain the following:

  • Learning objectives
  • Course testing information
  • Course testing information
  • Course content / chapters
  • Training summary
  • Discussion points
  • Suggested outside research w/ industry professionals

Find the entire syllabus in the “Welcome to LG” email you received!

Download Sample Syllabus


Discussion Sessions After Each Course

  1. Student takes the LearnGlazing.com course
  2. Student takes time to do outside research
    • Google searches, YouTUBE videos, etc.
  3. A scheduled meeting between the leader and the student occurs
    • Review course description together and talk about discussion points
    • Have a focused conversation together, connecting the dots between training and company specific methods
  4. If necessary and available, another person can be brought in to discuss the material learned
    • Manufacturer’s representative
    • Fellow project managers
    • Field and / or fabrication personnel

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